Today’s featured Between Homes resident is Mychelle Lefavre.

Mychelle is one of BH’s newest residents. The other day, while playing with Goliath, Gandhi and Holmes (BH’s K-9 residents) I noticed how beautifully Mychelle has decorated her apartment. It never ceases to amaze me how creative BH residents can be when it comes to decorating their apartments. So I picked up my Linden Labs IM-phone and called Mychelle to interview her for an article for the BH blog.
Below is what Mychelle told me about her SL experiences and about BH. Part of the call was in Spanish because Mychelle is fully fluent in Spanish (as well as French, English and a bunch of other languages!).
Debbie Bulloch: ¡Hola Mychelle! How are you?
Mychelle Lefavre: ¡Hola Debbie! I’m good and you?
DB: I am doing well, thanks. Mychelle, I was at BH earlier today and I noticed how nicely you have decorated your apartment. I love all you have done with it; I especially love your aquarium. Would you mind answering a few questions for the BH blog?
ML: Thanks Debbie. Sure, I would love to take your questions.

DB: Cool. When did you join SL?
ML: I joined on November 10, 2007. I just celebrated my one-year SL birthday.
DB: Sweet. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy birthday! Why did you come to SL?
ML: Well, I had time to kill, had nothing better to do and so….just kidding! Actually I came to SL for the same reasons that many people join in, to meet people, to learn cultures and to explore.
DB: I think that meeting other people is probably the #1 reason for joining SL. How did you hear about SL?
ML: A friend of mine talked to me about SL.
DB: Well, be sure to thank your friend for me for telling you about SL. Now that you are in SL, what are some of your favorite things to do in SL?
ML: There are lots of things to do here, but I really love exploring new places, meeting new people, learning about different cultures, practicing languages, dancing, flying, etc...
DB: I love flying too, it is so cool, but I still fly into things. Good thing I drive better than I fly.
ML: Yes, it is nice to be able to fly without a plane.
DB: Mychelle, we are glad to have you at BH, how did you find out about us?
ML: I found BH because a great friend of mine, a great person called Arcabulle talked to me about this special and warm place.
(Editor’s Note: Arcabulle Odriscoll, or ARC as we call him, is indeed a great person. Take a look at my profile “picks” to read more about ARC.)
DB: Before coming to Between Homes, did you have a “home base?”
ML: Not really. I used to come SL just to explore and enjoy some time here but not to live here like I do now ;)
DB: So what did you use for a “home” before coming to BH?
ML: Well, sometimes I put a home in a Sandbox just to stay there for some hours but nothing fixed. So my home base was the Orientation Land. I used to go there to help newbies in SL.
DB: Mychelle, we are glad that you are here with us. Tell our readers what you like best about BH?
ML: Let me see, where to start….? BH is a beautiful place where you can share thoughts and ideas with other residents. It has a lot of warm places to stay like if you would be at your real home. I met some friends here who are very kind and helpful. Since the first moment I came here I just felt happy to be part of this community.
DB: Do you have any special skills in SL?
ML: I enjoy editing clothes and objects. I don't have time to build so I use to edit all those things I like and transform them into what I like.

DB: What kinds of things do you like doing when you are in-world?
ML: Wow... a lot of things; I love to go dancing, chatting, flying, tai chi, yoga, surfing, diving... and a lot more... I even go to church here ;)
DB: A church? In SL?
ML: Yep, they have everything at SL!
DB: Do you have a favorite place to visit at SL? A favorite sim? A favorite store?
ML: I have lots of favorite places, like the planets (Shinda), Romantic Gardens, Neva Naughty, Acropolis, France Pittoresque... a lot more... I can not remember them all... and of course Between Homes (my new home in SL).
DB: Do you have any special messages to people reading this blog who may want to know more about BH?
ML: Well, I wish to give special thanks, first of all, to Arcabulle, a French angel who I met in a club, Arcabulle brought me to BH; to Rachel (Brimm) who has been very helpful and warm to me; to Elvira (Amaterasu), a great person I met in the same club as Arca; we both came together to BH with him. To Xanadu (Dominquez), she gave me access to the BH group. To the sweet Teressa (Adamski) who is always in her bike giving happiness to the community and last but not least, to you Debbie who always have kind words to me and who gave me the opportunity to express myself here.
I also want to say a special "Thank you" to a very special friend of mine, who is not part of the community yet, but who has been very patient with me during all the time I have been here in SL; this wonderful man, helped me a lot when I wanted to learn French and he is a very special part of my SL - Dim, thank you very much for everything you have done for me. I have been blessed in my RL just knowing people like him and you all here in SL.
DB: Thank you Mychelle for your kind words. Do you have a special message for people thinking about joining Between Homes? ML: Of course; my message is: Don't hesitate to be part of BH, you will be very happy to join us and to live in a place where you feel safe and warm (like in Real Life).
DB: Do you have any suggestions on how we can make Between Homes a better place for all residents?
ML: I really find this place perfect. Thanks to all of you who keep this place as wonderful as it is and thank you for letting me be part of this great community. You all are angels on Earth.
Mychelle, it is great having you here with us. You are now part of our family. And thank you ARC for bringing Mychelle to BH.
Hello my dear friends !!!
Thank you so much Mychelle and Debbie for your comments! it is very sweet and very nice but I will turn red ! wow wow !
I am not a french angel ! I am just a crazy french guy and so bad sometimes ! ask Debbie and she will tell you that I am a bad boy and that I am the son of Jerry Lewis !! ha ha !
Mychelle it was a very great pleasure for me to meet you and elvira at this club and to introduce you to BH and all my friends in BH! Mychelle you are a very sweet woman , you are very smart ! Elvira you are very sweet too and very cute ! I am very impressed with you both because your french is very well now !Debbie we will adopt the same training for you in order to allow to improve your french ! Mychelle and Elvira congratulations ! so it was a very great pleasure for me ! you know I love BH very much and all the residents ! What we are doing here in BH is very great, it is a special communauty with great people ! wow ! I am very proud of you all ! you are my ANGELS !!! It is so interesting to share such things, life, culture, dancing with you ! it is a very beautiful "melting pot" ! I really love that ! Be sure I am here for you all and if you need something please don't hesitate to call me as often as you want !
Mychelle you are great and Debbie you are great too ! Debbie I know what you are thinking when I say that ! you are not right because you are not normal, you are a great person a great woman !!! I am right !! ha ha !
so my beautiful and sweet friends, Between Homes is for me like my home !!
I send you thousand kisses and hope to see you asap !
Thank you so much but remember that I do all that with a great pleasure ! What is important for me is your happiness !
bye bye my friends !
I want to thank you again for this wonderful interview (and for surprises on it ;) Also, for your words about me. I am very proud to be part of this wonderful community.
Thanks for these wonderful words. You are just great ;)
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