Publishing a blog is an act of love; it is also an act of great egotism (look at how clever I am writing all of this interesting stuff) and an act of great humility (do you really think that my writing is interesting?).
In any event, writing a blog takes a great deal of time and effort. From finding a subject interesting enough to write about to actually writing something interesting about that subject – it all takes time, a great deal of time. The reward comes in reading the comments left by readers and in knowing that your words moved others.
If you have been following the BETWEEN HOMES blog you may have noticed the recent series of articles by BH’s own Monsieur Arcabulle Odriscoll (or ARC as he is better known by his friends.) I now wish to officially “introduce” our blog’s newest writer.

I met ARC more than a year ago while I was still selling houses for ABC Homes. Back then, ARC was a newbie from France (well, he is still from France, he is just not a newbie anymore.) This was also about the same time that I met Matilda Little (a member of my very own European Union.) ARC, Tilda and I became fast friends and have remained friends ever since then.
As you can see from his posts, ARC is a prolific writer; he writes about subjects ranging from the Tour de France to Dire Straits. I am fortunate to count ARC as a friend and we are all fortunate to share in his different passions.
ARC’s native tongue is French. Although his knowledge of English is excellent, there are times where it is obvious that he is thinking in French first and writing in English second. I had originally decided to edit his posts so they would read and flow better. I realized, however, that there is a certain charm in the way ARC’s posts are written- one can almost detect the presence of his French accent.
So I will not edit ARC’s posts and instead let the reader enjoy them in their full Franco-English flavor.
NOTE: I encourage all of you to submit articles for the blog. Between Homes is YOUR home and BH’S blog is YOUR blog.
1 comment:
hi hi Deb
Oh Thank you so much my dear for your comment ! i will turn red deb it is so sweet from you to tell that about me ! so nice !
You know i am very shy, a very shy man. You know it is a great pleasure for me to share with everyone different subjects. Yes it is great pleasure and a honour too ! deb i have to tell that it was a chance for me to meet you and also meet very nice, sweet, and helpful people. I think of Tilda, Yucca, TT, Mychelle a lot of people i met here in sl. I am sorry if i do some mistakes i am a french guy, crazy french guy, your jerry (hehehehe)
so my english is not perfect ! you know that you allowed me to improve my english. thank you so much.
Deb you are our light, our star, you allow us to discover a lot of things, poets, events ans so many things ! thanks thanks thanks thank you so much ! merci merci merci mille fois !!
please continue continue to be yourself and never abandon ! today is a gift (as my dear TT said)enjoy the life and let the butterfly which is in you flying.
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