Here are some pictures I took this morning during an early morning bike ride on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) by Point Mugu, California.
If the photos look somewhat similar, it is because I was experimenting with different light effects.
If you can, let me know which one you like best. I would really appreciate it! Thanks.

And, finally, the obligatory seagull shot. LOL

OK, you asked for tighter shots, how about these?

And here is the Albatross from the Little Mermaid - print it and color it!

Copyright. The Disney Company. All rights fully reserved.
Deb, I like these pictures. I like how you are "experimenting" with light. Lighting conditions are not easy at Mugu Rock during foggy or overcast days. One suggestion, crop the horizontal shots even tighter. The rocks and the lone person (and seagull) should be the focus, eliminate everything else and you may get some very interesting photos. Composition is fine, just make it tighter. BTW, what is it with you and seagulls? Were you ancestors ancient mariners who delighted at the sight of seagulls approaching their ships? Or did you watch Disney's Little Mermaid once too foten and fell in love with the seagulls (and albatrosses) there?J/K. Keep posting your pictures.
Thank you. The tighter shots look better IMHO. Didn't the Little Mermaid also have RED hair? LOL
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