Today, temperatures across Southern California began to climb once again – in other words, it has been hot.
But no matter how hot it may get during the day, summer nights are always very comfortable as ocean breezes sweep across the valleys cooling things down.
Summer is ending (autumn officially starts September 22) so I decided to enjoy these last, lazy days of summer, before the Sun’s shadows begin to lengthen. I went to the patio and sat down to a light repast of cheese, bread, a green apple and a glass of my favorite California Chardonnay. As I ate the cheese and bread and drank the wine, a cool breeze wafted through the flower garden, bringing along with it the last fragrant remnants of the summer star jasmine.
I closed my eyes and let the jasmine transport me to another time and place. All of the sudden I found myself sitting on my bed, back in my childhood home, listening to Dad play Seals & Croft’s “Summer Breeze” on his old stereo set. For an all-too brief moment, I was a little girl again - back in the days when everything was so easy and I did not have a care in the world.
SEALS & CROFT – Summer Breeze (the video and audio quality are not very good, sorry)
Summer Breeze - lyrics
See the curtains hangin' in the window
In the evening on a Friday night
A little light-a-shinin' through the window
Lets me know everything's all right
Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowin' through the jasmine in my mind
Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowin' though the jasmine in my mind
See the paper layin' on the sidewalk
A little music from the house next door
So I walk on up to the doorstep
Through the screen and across the floor
Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowin' through the jasmine in my mind
Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowin' through the jasmine in my mind
Sweet days of summer -- the jasmine's in bloom
July is dressed up and playing her tune
And I come home from a hard day’s work
And you're waitin' there
Not a care in the world
See the smile awaitin' in the kitchen
Through cookin' and the plates for two
Feel the arms that reach out to hold me
In the evening when the day is through
Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowing through the jasmine in my mind
Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowing through the jasmine in my mind…
I hope that you are all having a wonderful evening.
Dear Debbie, it is wonderful that a fragance can take you back in time. Memories make our life sweeter. For me, the smell of crayons always takes me back to when I was a kid in kindergarten. Debbie life may have been simpler, and more carefree, but you have a wonderful life now, you have lots of friends and you have a great child. The best days of your life lay ahead of you.
very nice article ! il est vrai que les odeurs peuvent nous bercer et nous rappeler des souvenirs d'enfance et des instants de vie de notre vie qui restent à jamais gravés dans notre mémoire !
parfois des odeurs mais aussi des mots, des bruits, des objets, des regards, des personnes, des chansons ..... qui nous transportent dans un autre temps, un autre instant !
Mais il est nécessaire aussi de découvrir de nouvelles odeurs, de nouvelles envies pour nous projeter dans l'instant présent voire dans le futur et profiter pleinement de ce qui s'offre à nous à chaque instant ! oui debbie ta vie est belle maintenant et tu peux voir devant , regarder devant toi car tel est ton chemin
Un papillon s'est envolé ! C'est au tour de la colombe de prendre son envol !
A bientôt
Carpe Diem
Arc, merci de vos commentaires. La vie est bonne et les regards de futur mieux. Il est normal que les personnes de regarder et se rappellent en arrière les bons temps du passé. J'avance avec la vie, vole à de nouveaux endroits et découvre de nouvelles sensations.
Entretien à vous bientôt.
In case that my French dictionary is not working too well, this is what I meant to write:
Arc, thank you for your comments. Life is good and the future looks better. It is normal for people to look back and remember the good times from the past. I am moving forward with life, flying to new places and discovering new sensations.
Talk to you soon.
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