Hello my friends,
I would like today to introduce you to some specific people ! People who are like you and me in the life ! But something is different for them.

They are superheroes in their country but something very "particular" superheroes anonymous ! I do think that they are big kids who have lots of dreams, and they especially made a wonderful dream, a dream where the world is a world of peace, a world without homeless people, certainly a world without wars and 'delinquance" in our streets !

They are like you and me but they also are our heroes, your heroes and they are acting everyday in our streets, especially in the streets of america to help people, to give some food to people , to the shelters. That is very nice from them ! They also want to fight against "delinquance".
Superheroes Anonymous is a collective of Real Life Superheroes who aim to do good in the world and inspire others. Originally founded in 2007 by Ben Goldman and Chaim Lazaros as an annual conference for superheroes, Superheroes Anonymous has since become the legitimate face of the Real Life Superhero movement.

They have day jobs and lives, but when night comes, they become...Dark Guardian! Life! Civitron! Citizen Prime! And many other superhero identities. These people are average citizens-turned-crime fighters, regularly suiting up to do good deeds. There may be as many as 200 superheroes keeping watch in communities everywhere. And they're taking on crime right where it lives. Dark Guardian, a real-life superhero, showed Miller how he's is trying to rid New York City streets of drug dealers. He walked up to someone he thought was a drug dealer and told him to leave a park
So some people could think that this is stupid but I don't agree with that ! I do believe that they do it in a very nice way, in a funny way with their costume ! That is a good idea because they bring people smile, laugh and humor and above all a presence to all these people who are in the streets without food, without food, without help !

So congrats to you , our superheroes anonymous ! continue in that way ! I am proud of you.
Bye Bye
Your reporter arc
Nice article M. Odriscoll. I enjoyed reading it. You should write more.
hello sanpaul
thank you very much ! i took a lot of pleasure to write it ! yes i would like to write more. That is very nice but it is a fact that it needs time to prepare
thank you so much
hope you are getting well and all your family too
see you soon
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