Hello my friends,
this is a message from your french reporter, a silly one , not Tintin but maybe one of hi cousin because if you had a look at me, maybe you would think that Tintin is my brother.
Today is a great day as Debbie just wrote before 11th November 1918.
A great day for freedom and for the world that stops this terrible war.
Debbie like always did a very great job and what i want to show you now is what happened in the earth during this war , i want to show you face of men like you and me who were under the ground
We called this war "la guerre des tranchées" and for soldiers it was "l'enfer des tranchées"
enfer means evil.
This war was terrible for men , for humans ! Living during days, weeks, months, and years in these trenchers.
it was awful living in this, living in the earth, in the ground, always sad, and cold, and with blood, sometimes nothing to eat, and with people dying around and peeing everywhere ! oh my god how could have that been possible on our earth !
how is it possible because that continues in other and different ways now !
But my friends, have a look at these pictures and movies and you will discover what really happened in these opening tunnels and how it was an evil !
Some pictures can be hard.
Nos soldats ces héros
Our soldiers - These heroes
Verdun's Battle : a resume of Verdun's battle
LES TRANCHÉES (Capsules du film 'Entre les Lignes')
The trenchers (extract of the movie "entre les lignes"
The hell of verdun 1916
Premier Noël dans les tranchées
First Christmas in the trenchers
A message of hopeful ! the soldiers from each part, the ennemis joined and came together for christmas ! it is incredible but that is the truth and that really shows that a war could be crazy ! they talked together, took coffee tea together and offered each other some gifts ! this was a "trêve"
Souvenirs de la Première Guerre Mondiale
Reminds of WWI
Remember the WWI : please remember this world war I , please remember all these men and women who died during the war ! look at them they are like you and me, they were afraid , there were in the dark but fighting for their country ! they were so courageous so strong but so weak in the same time ! oh my god how is it possible ?
we must pray for them , pray for the soldiers, pray for their family and thank them for what they did !
It was so sad ! i am sad it was a terrible war but they did it !
Listen to the music and look and remember !
We won't never forget you
All rights reserved.
ARC, great article. The video clips really help to illustrate the horrors of trench warfare. Verdum was one of the bloodiest battles in world history.
Perhaps by remembering the horrors of wars past, we can live in a more peacefl future.
This is a great follow-up to Debbie's Veterans Day article. Trench warfare inflicted a terrible toll on the soldiers who fought in WW-I. The use of tanks, mustard gas and aerial bombings made the death (and injury) toll even higher. Those soldiers suffered needless pain which made even worse by the sheer incompetence of their leader.
This was a horrible and totally needless waste of human life.
Thank you for the article and thank you for the videos.
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