Reading the newspaper, or watching the news, can often lead to depression, anger and frustration – or all three of them. Stories about wars, crimes, famine, and natural disasters are enough to make a person want to run from society to hide in a cave and never come out again. From time to time, however, I come across a story that re-affirms my faith on the kindness of people and reassures me that things might be all right after all.
One such story is the account of Kate Quigley’s daily mission to bring some measure of comfort into the lives of neglected and abused dogs. Kate Quigley, who is also known as the “dog lady” or simply “Miss Kate,” is a resident of Kansas City, Missouri. For the last several years, “Miss Kate” has been hard at work to improve the lives of dogs and cats, many of whom live in some of the poorest and most crime-ridden areas of Kansas City.
Kate’s work is an example of what I like to refer to as the “power of one.” Too often we look at a problem and walk away from it because the problem is “too big” for one single person to fix. As Confucius reminds us, however, “a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.” We cannot solve all the world’s problems at once; but by taking action, one step at a time, we can be well on our personal journey of help and hope.
I encourage all of you to exercise your “power of one” to make changes that will make a difference in the lives of others – be it humans or animals.
To read more about Kate’s incredible journey to bring comfort to neglected inner city pets, go here: Dog Lady
If you wish to help homeless dogs find a loving home, go here: Help Dogs. This link is sponsored by Pedigree dog food.
Thanks for looking
Debbie, most people are good. All you have to do is to give them an opportunity to do the right thing.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Debbie, I have stopped watching news and reading newspapers altogether. In fact I have stopped watching TV. I haven't seen a regular TV program in 2 years now. I can tell you it is absolute bliss!
There are sites on the internet that only publish good news, happynews.com for instance.
This way you only expose yourself to positive energies. And NO it is not the same as running away from problems or hiding from them! It is my opinion that to do good you need to feel good. And this works for me very well. The power of one works. I know this!
See ya soon!
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