Did you survive the Great SecondLife Blackout of April 28?
How did you survive without your SL “fix?”
Did you miss your friends?
How did you cope?
What other fun and exciting things did you do when you could not log on to SL?
Post your comments here.
The funniest, most imaginative comment will receive a $300L (Lindens) prize.
Second prize: $200L
Third prize: $100L
Your comments can be as long or as short as you like.
Please be sure to sign your SL name to the comment.
Contest ends at midnight (SL Time), Sunday, May 2, 2010.
So hurry up and tell us how you survived the Great SecondLife Blackout!
Have fun!
OK, I will be the first one to comment. On the night that SL went down I had planned to meet a frind online. We had planned to go shopping for new clothes. I tried to log in at 9:00 p.m. SLT. No luck. I tried again 5 minutes later. Again, no luck. I tried again 10, 15 and 20 minutes later. I was getting pretty frustrated. I even ran some tests on my computer to make sure that I was not having omputer "issues."
After half an hour of trying to go in-world and getting the same error message I finally gave up. I was still aggravated so I did what I usually do when I am upset. I filled my tub with warm water, added bath salts, lit a few candles, put a Sade CD on the player, got a glass of Merlot (Napa Valley) and I slipped into the tub with a book to read. The warm, bubbly water felt really good while the Merlot hit the right spot - the soft candle light and the music did the rest. Soon all the stress of not being able to go in-world simply melted away. It was great.
I hate to admit it, but I was really happy that SL was down. From now on I will spend more time pampering myself and less time cruising the Metaverse.
Susie Vita
Between school, work, and other RL stuff I don’t have as much time to come to SL. The other night I decided to log in, but I couldn’t. At first I thought it was something with my computer’s firewall (I recently installed a new anti-virus program). But after checking the anti-virus, I figured that the problem was with SL and not with my software or hardware. I have a school paper due on Monday so I decided to stop procrastinating and get working on it (procrastination was one of the reasons why I had tried to log on to SL that night).
Anyway, I finished the paper ahead of time and today (Sunday) I had time to go out with my friends and enjoy a beautiful day out. I hope that I get an “A” on my paper.
I hope to win the contest (I could use the Lindens).
Nina Urqhart
Once I realized that SL was having server problems, I gave up trying to connect. Instead, I went out to my backyard, lit up a Cuban cigar that a friend gave me for my birthday, poured some single-malt scotch on a tumbler with ice and sat down to listen to the frogs croak while I blew out smoke rings. Best evening I've had in a long time!
Oooops I forgot to sign my comment (about the Cuban cigar and single-malt scotch).
Debbie Akroyd (no rleation to Dan Akroyd)
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