Today’s Featured Between Homes Resident is my long-time friend Matilda “Tilda” Little. I first met Tilda (as all her friends call her) almost a year ago. At that time, Tilda and I were relatively new to SL. Right about the time that Tilda and I met, we both also met another BH resident, ARCABULLE Odriscoll. All three of us were introduced by a common friend. The rest is, as they say, history. (Editor’s Note: You will read more about ARC in a future blog article).
Tilda is a talented and generous builder. She has donated many beautiful objects to BH’s residents. Tilda loves to help newbies and she spends many hours at BH welcoming newcomers to the shelter. Tilda is Bird Thor’s sister and Baby Tess’s auntie. Tilda and Bird are both from Sweden, the land of Saabs, Volvos and IKEA! Tilda is a fan of American Western movies and she can recite many lines, with a Swedish accent of course, from American Westerns. When Tilda is not busy building new objects, or greeting visitors to BH, she can be found playing with her Australian Shepherd, Liz. Liz comes from the same litter as my own baby Aussie, Sheila. Both Liz and Sheila love to play together.

Debbie Bulloch: Hi Tilda, good to see you. Surprise, surprise you are the Featured Between Homes Resident!
Matilda Little: Great!
DB: Shall we start then? When did you join SL?
ML: My Rezz Date is August 12, 2007.
DB: Hey, we have almost the same Rezz Date, what a coincidence.
ML: Small world!
DB: So tell me Tilda, why did you come to SL?
ML: Easy, SL looked better than ordinary text chat.
DB: That’s true, at least here we have avis that can talk, walk and even fly!
ML: Yep!
DB: And how did you find out about SL?
ML: Watching a program in the Discovery Channel about the Internet. See, you can learn something watching TV.
DB: I guess you can. Now that you are in SL, what are some of your favorite things to do?
ML: Build and meet friends.
During the interview I asked Tilda how she found out about Between Homes. She paused for a second, as if she could not believe my question, and with a mischievous smile she said:
“Oh Deb, I learned about BH from you. That is all you ever talked about for a while!”

DB: OK, OK, that was a silly question. I know the answer to this next question (smiles) but please tell our readers where was your home base before you joined Between Homes?
ML: Before joining Between Homes I lived at Bliss Gardens.
DB: Is that the place with the tree house and the underwater gardens?
ML: Yes. Remember we went scuba diving once?
DB: Yes, now I remember, that was an awesome place.
ML: Yep!
DB: Tilda, what do you like best about Between Homes?
ML: It is a nice place to meet good people; the quiet areas are nice. I don’t like people running around making a big racket.
DB: What special skills do you have in SL?
ML: well, besides building, which you already mentioned, I am friendly and social.
(Editor’s Note: If you lose an object at BH, big or small, ask Tilda to help you find it. Tilda has the uncanny ability to find lost or hidden items. She helped me find a boat I had left buried under my house!)
DB: Yes you are Tilda! Tell me, what do you like best about SL?
ML: The cartoon avatars
DB: Well, we are almost at the end of our time, do you have a special message for people thinking about joining Between Homes?
ML: Yes, I do.
DB: Well, what is it?
ML: (Smiling) Peace, sisters and brothers .... :-)
DB: Ha! Ha! Ha! That is so 1960’s, but it is always good advice. Do you have any suggestions on how we can make Between Homes a better place for all residents?
ML: I don’t get enough space in the article!
Tilda is one of BH’s goodwill ambassadors. You will find her at BH welcoming newcomers or helping residents get settled in.
Tilda, we are all glad that you are part of Between Homes.

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