We are beginning a new series of articles featuring different Between Homes residents. Today’s featured Between Homes’ resident is Rachel Brimm. Rachel is a talented decorator, a great conversationalist, and a talented poetry writer (check out her SL profile for a sample of her poetry). Rache is also one of BH’s goodwill ambassadors; she spends a great deal of her time greeting newcomers and taking them in tours of Between Homes.
We caught up with Rachel while she was decorating her apartment (something that Rachel loves to do and apparently does very well).

Debbie Bulloch: Hi Rachel, how are you doing today?
Rachel Brimm: I am doing great.
DB: Would you mind answering a few questions for the Between Homes blog?
RB: No, not at all, it would be a pleasure!
DB: Great, well let’s dive right in, shall we. When did you join SL?
RB: I joined April 19, 2008. :)
DB: Rachel, why did you join SL?
RB: Well, one night I was really bored and there was nothing new to see on the net, so I looked up Second Life, because I had recently heard about it :) And the rest is, as they say, history!
DB: So, where did you hear about SL (SL Marketing Dept., please pay attention)?
RB: I heard about Second Life from a few different places. First I heard of it was through one of the TV policy dramas, CSI or Law and Order SVU. I think both actually, and the concept really intrigued me. Then my Speech/ Communications teacher told our class about it.
DB: I too saw the CSI-NY episode on SL and I thought it was really well done. I missed the follow-up episode, DOA-For One day I think is the title of the episode. Those two shows are my faves too!
RB: Yes, they are pretty good shows.
DB: What are some of your favorite things to do in SL?
RB: I love dancing in SL. It’s so much fun. I also love decorating, and shopping... and building... and talking... LOL…I think I just love SL, but those are my favorite things to do :)
DB: I love shopping too, and talking LOL Rachel, tell our readers how you found out about Between Homes?
RB: I found out about Between Homes from Deneby Strauss, an Officer here, and a very dear friend of mine :) (Editor’s Note: Deneby is not only an officer. BH was born during long talks, between Deneby and me, about the need for just such a place in SL.)

DB: Rachel, before coming to Between Homes, did you have a “home base” in SL?
RB: Yep, I had a few home bases before coming to Between Homes.
DB: What did you use as a home base before joining Between Homes?
RB: Before joining Between Homes, I lived with my Master, and we had a home together, a loft that I could decorate just as I wanted :) I even had a garden on the roof! LOL It was really pretty.
DB: I have seen your decorating Rachel, I am sure that your former home was beautiful. What do you like best about Between Homes?
RB: I love the community at Between Homes, everybody is friendly, and willing to help one another... it’s very uplifting.
DB: Besides decorating, do you have any other special skills in SL?
RB: In SL I can dance! LOL I am also a new builder, so I am getting better at low prim building :) It’s a lot of fun... I'm also really good at shopping, and decorating...
DB: What do you like best about SL?
RB: Everything :) I'm addicted... Seriously, LOL :)
DB: I think we are all a little (or a lot) addicted. Do you have a favorite place to visit at SL? A favorite sim? A favorite store?
RB: I have many favorite stores, nyte'n'day, pixeldolls, moonshine, made in SL, sine wave island, animazoo.... I could just go on. LOL My two favorite sims are Bluenose and Hennepin, my two favorite places are Haven and Between Homes :)
DB: I like your list of faves, sounds a lot like mine. Now for the biggie: Do you have a special message for people thinking about joining Between Homes?
RB: Join us! Have fun with us!

I second that motion Rachel! Well, thank you for your time Rachel. I am glad that you are having such a blast at BH. This is exactly the reason why BH was created, a place to visit, stay and have a good time.
Well, that is for now. Please come and visit us at BH. Enjoy the dance floor, take a dive into the pond. Play with the dogs or the fishes.
If you run into a pretty, friendly girl named Rachel Brimm, stop for a moment and say hello to her.
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