A long time ago, in a far away galaxy, I contributed to a blog by submitting a list of common, and sometimes whimsical, Spanish phrases. From my list the blog’s editor would select one phrase to publish each day in the “Spanish Phrase of the Day” section of the blog. Sadly, one day the blog disappeared and I lost touch with the editor.
The other day, while cleaning out my computer’s hard drive I came across files with many of the phrases that I had submitted, but were never published. On the principle that, “waste not, want not,” I have decided not to let all that work go to waste.
So here is the first installment of BH’s very own version of Spanish Phrase Of The Day. On each installment I will include up to five phrases. I will publish the translation of each phrase at the bottom of the blog’s entry.
Your assignment is to figure out the meaning of each phrase. (Don't cheat by looking at the translations without first trying your hand at figuring out each phrase).
I would also encourage the many of you who speak a foreign language (well, foreign to me, but native to you) to submit a list of phrases (with translation) to be included together with the Spanish phrases.
1. ¿Hay algún hotel por aquí?
2. ¿Tiene alguna habitación libre?
3. Desearia reservar una habitación doble
4. ¿De dónde sale el barco?
5. ¿Cuándo sale el primer barco?
Buena suerte. A todos les deseo, “Amor, suerte, fortuna y tiempo para disfrutarlo!” ( I wish you all, Love, Good Luck, Fortune and time enough to enjoy them all.)
1. Is there a hotel here?
2. Do you have any vacancies?
3. I'd like to book a double room.
4. Where does the boat leave from?
5. When does the first boat leave?
1 comment:
this a good idea deb to write sentences like that and propose a translation !
i suggest to do the same in french
french to english !
for example
comment t'appelles-tu ?
what is your name ?
d'où viens-tu ? d'où es-tu originaire ?
Where are you from ?
Bonjour , je m'appelle jerry
Hello my name is jerry
je suis français
i am a french guy
j'adore les californiennes
I adore california girls (hehehehe)
je t'aime
i love you
tu me manques
I miss you
je t'embrasse ou bisous
i send you kisses or kisses
tu es ma meilleure amie
you are my best friend
j'apprécie le vin (le vin rouge)
i do appreciate wine (especially bordeaux, medoc, saint-emilion)
mes ami(e)s si vous le souhaitez je peux continuer à vous traduire quelques mots quelques expressions si cela vous interesse
my friends if you are interested i can propose you to translate some words sentences !
tell me if you are interested
it could be a good way to share languages to learn more about each other !
your french friend
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