In the house where we spent our nights,
Hung a photograph.
It is a photograph of you and me,
Dancing to the music from an unseen band.
When we were young lovers.
In the house where we spent our nights,
There was a bed.
Dark wood and white covers,
And on that bed we wrestled as one.
When we were young lovers.
In the house where we spent our nights,
There was a small table in the kitchen.
A blue table and two yellow chairs,
Where we planned our future.
When we were young lovers.
In the house where we spent our nights,
The walls were alive with the echo of our sounds.
Sounds of laughter,
Sounds of words tenderly spoken.
When we were young lovers.
In the house where we spent our nights,
The walls are bare,
The bedroom is empty,
The kitchen is deserted,
The echoes are silenced.
No one lives,
In the house where we spent our nights.
When we were young lovers.
Copyright © DB 2009. All rights fully reserved.
In the still of the night,
When all is quiet,
And even the angels take time to rest.
I rise out of my warm bed
And on kitten’s soft paws
I tip toe down the long hallway.
The night’s air is chilly.
Everyone sleeps.
The three cats,
The colored fish in the aquarium,
Even our big dog,
All are asleep.
Quietly, not wishing to disturb your dreamy slumber,
I slowly open the door to your room.
On a soft bed,
Surrounded by the stuffed trophies
From countless trips to Disneyland
You sleep.
I watch in awe,
As your body steadily rises and falls,
In rhythm with your deep breathing.
Nothing disturbs you,
As you journey, along with your dreams,
Unto uncharted lands.
I close my eyes
And I too journey.
Back to the days when you slumbered,
In my expanding womb.
Back in those days,
I could feel,
Your brave heart
Beating deep inside me.
For nine months
You lived safe inside me.
Where heat could not burn you,
Where cold could not make you shiver,
Where the bright Sun could not hurt your blue eyes.
Safe inside me, no one could harm you.
For the past seventeen years,
I’ve held your hand when you were scared,
I’ve kissed you when you were hurt,
I’ve embraced you in my arms when you were lonely.
For the past seventeen years,
I’ve been the mother bear,
Keeping the outside world at bay.
Now the time has come,
When you must fly on your own,
The day when I must let go is at hand.
I look at the girl sleeping on the bed
And I can already see the woman she will one day become.
Slowly, on kitten’s soft paws,
I finally dare enter the room.
Kneeling besides your bed
I watch you dream.
Before I go
Before I must finally let go
I kiss the girl
Who grew in my womb.
Copyright © DB 2009. All rights fully reserved.
hi hi debbie
my debbie !
thank you to share that with us ! I am happy you can tell the things you have on the heart, continue it is good ! deb my deb continue to write in that way !
what you did for amy was incredible and i know you did, you do and you will do your best for her ! you are a very great mom you are always here for her and you always protected her ! yes soon she will leave home but she will come back home soon and you will continue to be together. you can be proud of your amy she is very nice beautiful and smart ! I can also tell you that her mother is very nice , very smart and very helpful for others. you are a very special person my deb, not a normal person. Deb time will come for you too to live to experience new things and something is changing in your mind. Deb please think that you are not alone, you are not alone ! we are here, your friends we are here with you ! as you know I do have big shoulders and big ears and i am and will always be here for you ! you are very important to me and to us , to yucca, to tilda, to bird to tess, to TT, to all the members of BH and all the friends you have ! you are in our heart, and I believe you do have a strong position in it ! he he he ! you offered us so much, you did so much for us ! please let us help you and give you back what you gave us ! he he he he ! deb thank you so much for all ! and i am very very proud of what you did for jenny ! and you are so right it is so true ! i think that humans are maybe afraid to help people who have problems sometimes we are afraid ! why ??? why ?? i don't know ! maybe we are ashamed ! in my position, i really would like to help people to be here for them as i told you and often i don't do anything ! why ? i don't know ! but debbie you are so right we have to protect our families our childrens and to have be receptive for people when we feel that they are bad ! we can prevent that ! deb thank you for jenny i think you changes her life and maybe it will change yours. I am so so proud of you. you count so much for me so much ! i want your happiness above all above all ! that is the most important thing for me. the rest comes after. I send you many many kisses and many kisses.
I am here. Take your time
take your breath and enjoy your life
your jerry
Oh to be a parent! I work with new parents. They are exhausted, as they learn every peep and movement their baby makes. I share with them, that this is their introduction into parenthood, then the next 20...30... years they slowly give it up.
At first an hour at a friends house. Then school, yes half a day, but it seems like an eternity to a parent at first. They an overnight at a friends. Then away to school. Each step we need to let our little butterflies leave our nest. Trusting we have raised them to the best that we can. We have given them their wings, now they must fly, as we stand back and watch! (yes, this is hard)
My daughter I cried when she went to school, at the age of 5. Then again when she went to college, on the other side of the country. Tears of joy and sadness.
I still had my son at home, but the sorrow was still there. I can only imagine for you, Amy has been your rock, you stability in life. Your poem brought back memories. But now they are memories.
Both my children will move back home after they finish college this year. Another phase in life. It is fun to watch them fly. To see the movement in life they have chosen to take. It can be hard to let them go. (Oh yes, I did cry for him also.)
Keep up your writing. You have shared that it is helpful for you, but it is helpful for others. Hang in there mom, and watch you butterfly fly.
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