NOTE: Knowing that I am an immigrant, and knowing how much I love the United States, Debbie asked me to write this post for the Fourth of July. Thank you chica!
When in the Course of human events…
With these seven, simple well-chosen words a group of patriots put into motion a revolution that eventually gave birth to the United States of America. These seven words that were then followed by equally simple and equally powerful words:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…
Today we celebrate the 4th of July - America’s birthday. Lost for many, in all of the hot dog eating, firework firing and television watching will be the true meaning of Independence Day. So let’s take a moment to think about what the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) did to bring this nation that I call home, into existence.

In 1776, what we now know as the United States of America was a collection of colonies ruled by Great Britain. At the time, Great Britain was the most powerful empire on the land, perhaps even the greatest empires to ever exist. By way of contrast, the Americans were a ragtag bunch of “colonials,” many without formal education – most could not even read or write.
But the Americans, after years of misrule, abuse and outright paternalism by their British rulers were ready to take their destiny into their own hands. The colonists, ill-armed but hungry for freedom, were inspired by their belief in the righteousness of their cause. They were led by a group of men who committed to paper their view of the relationship between the governed and those who govern:
…that they (men) are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

With these words, and the words that followed in the Declaration of Independence, the United States of America was born. In the years since its birth our Nation has soared to almost unattainable heights, becoming a beacon of liberty to men and women who still seek the promises expressed in those words. As a Nation, we have also sunk to incredibly dark lows that would have made the Founding Fathers cry in shame.
We are still a young Nation; compared to Europeans nations, we are still an infant among nations. We, however, have an abiding faith in the basic goodness of man; we are a Nation where we are led by the rule of laws and not by the cult of personalities; and we are a Nation where the grandson of slaves can rise to hold the highest office in the land.

I was not born in the USA; but I am nevertheless an American, red, white and blue. Over forty years ago my family and I found a new home in the USA. When the rest of the world turned its back on my family and me, the American people opened their collective arms and welcomed us into their land.

I will never forget the warmth, the generosity and the caring of the Americans who welcomed us to their (our) country. My family and I shall remain eternally grateful for the opportunity to live in freedom; for me to be able to raise my children in the land of opportunity.

Happy Birthday America!
¡Feliz Cumpleaños America!
Excellent post SP. Those of us who were born in this country, enjoying all it has to offer, often forget what is like to live under a repressive regime. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for being a loyal American. Welcome (maybe a little late) to America.
Very well written and a great tribute to our nation. Sometimes we have to step back and remember our roots, what we stand for as a nation.
Thank you for a wonderful post!
Thank you so much for this very nice post !
Happy Birthday America !
As you said SP, America is a very young nation compared to this old lady Europe (hehe) but I can tell you that there is a lot of respect and yes a lot of principles in America That's what I feel ! and there are also a lot of crazy people that I do appreciate very much ! The more I discover america people the more i love America !
see you soon arc
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