Tomorrow marks the start of the 2009 Tour de France. Stage One of the TDF begins in Monaco and ends in the town of Brignoles. As an avid bike rider, I am already I am suffering from Tour “fever.”
This year’s TDF will be special for three reasons. As you know by now (and if you don’t know it is because you do not read our blog – so, shame on you!!! – LOL) on July 20, our very own Monsieur Arcabulle Odriscoll will be riding on L’Etape du Tour. L’Etape is for amateur riders and it is run on the same course as Stage Twenty of the TDF; from Montelimar to Mont Ventoux. For more information on Mont Ventoux and L’Etape du Tour (in case that you missed it the first time around) click here: L’Etape du Tour.
The second reason why this year’s TDF is special is because Stage Ten of the Tour will start in the small town of Limoges. One of BH’s members lives in Limoges so he will have a first hand view of the beginning of Stage Ten. Perhaps we can persuade him to take photographs and post them on the blog.
The third and final reason why this year’s TDF is special is because it marks the return of American rider, and 7-time TDF winner, Lance Armstrong. Winning one TDF is significant, winning two is special, winning five is extraordinary, but winning SEVEN consecutive TDF is an achievement that will probably never be matched by an other rider. Competitive cycling is perhaps one of the toughest sports, both mentally and physically. TDF is an epic race, only the elite of the elite, the crème de la crème can even qualify to compete. To win seven consecutive TDF is an achievement of mythic proportions.
Lance does not figure to be a factor in this year’s TDF. There is a whole generation of younger, stronger riders – times marches on, even for a titan like Lance. There are a number of new riders, from France, Canada, Holland, Spain and Russia that figure to have a good chance to win the 2009 TDF. Still, it will be a pleasure to watch Lance mount his carbon fiber steed and make the younger riders sweat it out!
In the USA, the VERSUS TV Channel will cover the race. You can follow daily race results by clicking here: Versus Channel
Today I went for a ride on my mountain bike. Going down one of the trails I achieve a maximum speed of 31miles per hour. If some of those darned trees had not gotten on the way, I could have gone even faster!

One of the good things of having a bike computer is that it helps you keep track of all the miles covered. In the last two and a half years since I last changed batteries in the bike’s computer, I have covered over 4400 miles. Not anywhere near Armstrong-like levels, but just enough to keep my circulation in decent shape.

Finally, if you have a surfer at home, this is what the entrance to your house may look like. Yes, those are three boards you see on the picture. Once, when I complained to my daughter about her having THREE boards (after all, you can only ride one at a time) her reply was quick and to the point, “Well, you have TWO bikes plus a stationary bike to ride indoors when the weather is bad; at least I haven’t asked for an indoor pool to surf when the weather is bad.”
She does have a point there. Next fall construction will start on our indoor pool, with a wave-making machine….(just kidding!)

hi hi my friends !
Deb your article is very nice ! Thank you so much ! this year will be indeed a very particular year and a very particular TDF (as deb said : hehehe) !
Yes there is my stage of TDF and i will do my best to reach the arrival and i will have a lot of support and help to do that ! you know even if it is the most difficult mountains and climbs are what i prefer. I will probably train next week in an other competition with the mountain "pas de peyrols". I need exercise because i din't ride 4400 miles like Deb did ! So this year is indeed special because TDF is coming in Limoges and it is very nice ! OK deb i will try to take some pics but depends on what you propose to me in exchange (heheheheh : i am joking)
and yes this year will be specific with Lance Armstrong this year ! will he be able to win his 8th TDF
It is very particular for me because I have very special friends living in america (not in Texas)but in california and there is a sens for me if Lance wins ! so i will follow TDF this year ! and there are a lot of competitors first in astana team the team of Lance : look at contador but there are also as competitors >Leipheimer and also carlos sastre , cadel evans who is in a great shape ! i have to write about that ! so my friends it will be a great year ! and deb thank you my deb for your support ! you are so cute byeee kissesss
ARC, thanks for your comments. We all wish you the very best as you continue to train to ride to the top of Mont Ventoux. BTW, I bet that you ride a lot more than 4400 miles when you train.
Oh Deb and Arc, I think you put too many '0' in 4400!
hehe, tt
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