35 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was homeless and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
37 "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you homeless and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Matthew 25:35-40 (New International Version – NIV)
Over the past few weeks the focus of this blog has shifted slightly. Posts about music, poetry, prose and photography are all well and good – and a lot of fun for me to write and (I hope) for you to read. We should not, however, let fun and games distract our attention away from our mission at Between Homes: to provide a place for homeless SL avis AND in doing so bring into focus the problem of homelessness in RL.
Normally, I do not like to push religion on anyone. I will respect and defend your right to believe in what you wish to believe in, as long as you respect and defend my own rights. That seems fair to me.
There is, however, a simple beauty to the message contained in the Biblical passage from the Gospel of Matthew that I wanted to share it with you. That message rings especially true in these difficult times.
It is very easy for many of us to look at the poor and the homeless and then turn the other way. We can rationalize them away by making statements such as, “Well, I can’t fix it all,” “It is the government’s responsibility,” “It must be their fault, they must have done something ‘wrong’ in order to end up homeless,” or “That could never happen to me or my family.” The last two comments are representative of a dangerous mindset that marginalizes the poor and the homeless making it easier to ignore their plight.

The beauty in the words attributed to Jesus by Matthew is that they reflect the simple fact that the homeless and the poor are us and we are them. In these hard economic times there is only a very thin line separating “them” from “us.” A recent article from the Ventura County Star describes how many of us are one or two paychecks away from falling into a situation that will lead to being homeless. It does not even have to be a matter of losing one’s job (and income). A major illness, a traumatic injury even a divorce can send families, including young children into the streets. The problem is not limited to any particular social or educational group; even middle class professional people can end up on the streets. It is not just the USA that is affected by these issues, even countries with reputedly good social safety nets have seen a recent spike in the number of the homeless in their midst.
In Los Angeles County, for example, the homeless population seems to grow every year. An article by the Los Angeles Times reveals the large number of people who do not have a place to call home. The county where I live - a very affluent county where many wealthy people, including show business stars, make their home - has also seen a rise in the number of the poor and homeless. Compared to Los Angeles County, where poverty and homelessness are endemic, even right under the watchful eyes of the big HOLLYWOOD sign, the number of homeless in Ventura County is miniscule. Of course, that is small consolation to the family who calls home a drafty tent by the river’s bed. Even one homeless person, in what has been billed as the richest country in world history is one too many.

So what can we do to lessen the problem? I do not have answers, but I can offer many suggestions. There many things that you can do to a difference in the lives of the homeless.
1. Never give cash to a homeless person.
Sometimes even well intended gifts are converted to drugs or alcohol - even when the "hard luck" stories they tell are true. If the person is hungry, buy them a sandwich and a cup of coffee. (See my two-part story about meeting Jenny.)
2. Talk to the person with respect.
Taking time to talk to a homeless person in a friendly, respectful manner can give them a wonderful sense of civility and dignity. And besides being just neighborly, it gives the person a weapon to fight the isolation, depression and paranoia that many homeless people face.
3. Recognize that homeless people (and their problems) are not all the same.
The homeless are as diverse as the colors of a rainbow. The person you meet may be a battered woman, an abused young person, an addicted veteran, someone who is lacking job skills...the list goes on.
4. Take precautions for your own safety.
Some living on the streets are criminals and fugitives running from the law. Always be prudent while talking with street people. Stay in areas where other people can see you. Don't take unnecessary chances – protect yourself and your family.
5. Encourage the homeless to get help through local shelters and food banks.
Shelters offer food and shelter to the homelessness. Nothing is scarier than sleeping out on the streets, or inside your car, not knowing what will happen to you. Shelters, even if crowded, provide a place to sleep in relative safety. Many shelters also offer long-term rehabilitation programs that deal with the root causes of homeless. Other shelters may also offer "tickets" or “vouchers” that the homeless can exchange for a nutritious meal at a local restaurant, safe overnight lodging at nearby motels even the option of participating in a rehabilitation program. Become familiar with what your local shelters offer and then pass the information along.

6. Support your local shelter.
Most shelters receive little or no government funding. They are supported by caring individuals, churches, businesses, and civic groups who see the value of sharing their resources with the less fortunate. Donations of food, books, clothing and money are welcomed. But even if all you have to donate is your time, do it please. Shelters rely on volunteer labor to make up for funding shortages. Go spend time in a soup kitchen serving food - if you have a skill, like cutting hair, go and volunteer – sometimes a fresh haircut can mean the difference between getting a job and being rejected. Lawyers and doctors are especially needed. Lawyers can help with the many legal issues that often affect the homeless. Doctors and nurses, obviously, can help the homeless with health issues. Remember that volunteering your time at a shelter is a mutually rewarding experience – the homeless person gets the benefit of your assistance but YOU receive the joy that comes only from helping our brothers and sisters. To paraphrase those ubiquitous Nike commercial: JUST DO IT!
7. Help a homeless person find a job.
If you own your own business you may be in a position to hire the homeless. Take a chance on the homeless and hire them. Even a part-time, low wage (do not exploit the homeless) job can make a huge difference. If you are not in a position to hire, then maybe you know someone who is hiring, get them to commit to hiring the homeless.
8. “Adopt” a homeless family.
You do not have to bring a homeless family to live with your family – especially if you are concerned for your safety. But you can sponsor a homeless family by agreeing to pay for a week (or longer if you are able to) at a local motel. It does not have to be a fancy place, just a place with a soft bed and a hot shower. Pre-pay for meals at a local restaurant. If you cannot afford to do it all yourself (I know, money is tight) get family members to contribute, get your employer to help out, heck, even make it a neighborhood project. Get your local motel or family restaurant to help out by giving you a break on their costs to house and feed a homeles family. Tell the business about all the goodwill publicity their business will receive – a quid pro quo that may convince many to help! If you can sponsor a family, especially during the holidays when things seem rougher for those without a place to stay, you will be blessing them with a memory they will never forget.
9. “Adopt” a homeless pet.
The large number of job lay-offs and home foreclosures has resulted in a large number of homeless pets. Some people, unable to care for their pets, leave them behind in a foreclosed home or, worse, have them put down. If you have a house with a large yard (or even a modest yard) offer to “babysit” someone’s pet. If you don’t have a place of your own, offer to help pay for vet’s bills
10. Open up your heart and make the commitment to help.
Remember that any kindness, however small, has the potential for changing a life. Also remember that what you do for the less fortunate members of our society you are also doing it for yourself. To paraphrase the Gospel of Matthew: 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for you.'

Thank you for reading. Tomorrow we will go back to our other features. Maybe Spanish phrases of the week (or French or French and Spanish.)
Phil Collins - "Another Day In Paradise"
Peace out!
(Photographs and other images are the sole property of the individual copyright holders.)
Very nice Debbie. Those are good suggestions. Please keep up the good work. And post some new poetry. This is National Poetry Month.
hello deb
Thanks for this article which is so true !
we do need to help our brothers, ours sisters who are here just close to us in the street or in a car just being themselves alone in the dark ! alone in the dark with nobody helping them and we are just here doing nothing ! just watching , sometimes ashamed whereas some of us are too in the dark but in another way ! we could share and we could help us do something as deb said ! show a sign to them a smile it is a good beginning a hello say hello how are you ?
it is a sign of respect and this is a good beginning !
you know debbie, i don't know why but when i see a homeless man or woman in the street i don't know what to do ! i do think i am afraid (deb you know i am sincere and i just try to tell you how i feel when i see homeless people because i don't understand why i am like that sometimes) sometimes i can give some money like in the subway when a homeless person plays some music ! but what should i do and why do i have this reaction this behave ? why ? in fact inside me , i really would like to help them to do something to smile to say hello ! that is true that is right but most of time i don't do it ! i am just here near us ! most of the time i say hello
hello miss hello mr but that's all and in me i am sad i feel bad because i don't know what to do and i don't do ! do you understand what I feel deb ? i would like to share that with you and with everyone to understand and to share if you feel the same ! maybe it is different for you but please give me your point of view ! deb gives a lot of very good advices like always ! we can give foods, we can help to distribute meals, to give money to a shelter to allow people to get some holidays ! yes we can yes we can !
and what i do think too is that sometimes we don't do anything we are not here even for friends and as life goes fast , things happen ! i take an example , a very recent example !
a very good friend of mine in rl, a bike rider who was living in limoges and was born in north of france recently changed of job ! he had a very good situation here in limoges but he was muted (he changed of place) to another part of france and the job seemed very interesting ! but higher responsabilities and a lot of pressure and his family had to stay here during 6 months !
he was very happy of this new job and invested a lot in this job !
i wasn't here for him, i called him but so few and he was alone without his family and a lot of pressure ! and recently two weeks ago i tried to call him several times on the phone and he didn't answer and sent me an email to tell me that he stopped his job his new job and he was in depression ! because the job was too hard ! he is still in the company but depressed very depressed ! i sent him emails, try to send messages on the phone ! he is back here with his family but seems to be alone ! and you see i wasn't here wasn't here for him ! he needed that maybe, maybe i could have told him : my friend you are not alone, you are not alone, i am here and your family is here ! be strong my friend be very strong and as often as you need and will need i am here ! i am so sorry for him and so sorry not being able to be here ! and now i feel this wall this wall he has built to protect himself ! he is bad so bad ! you see life can change very fastly even if he won't be homeless even if he still has his job you can see that it can change very fastly and it is important to be here for our friends for our sisters and brothers ! i will be here for him and i won't let him alone now ! because he is a friend a very good friend and i will help him as much as i can.
so please be here for your friends, sisters and brothers and be here for homeless people, show them that they are you , they are me they are like us and we all are brothers and sisters
byeee byeeeee
hi hi my friends let me tell you about a special song from calogero ! I do love this song which is very special to me ! please listen to it
I just give you the lyrics in french and will try to find a translation and will also give you the link. deb maybe you could post the song ! please listen to it and read the lyrics
this is the link of the song :
here are the lyrics my friends :
Il suffirait simplement
Qu'il m'appelle
Qu'il m'appelle
D'où vient ma vie
Certainement pas du ciel
Lui raconter mon enfance
Son absence
Tous les jours
Comment briser le silence
Qui l'entoure
Aussi vrai que de loin
Je lui parle
J'apprends tout seul
A faire mes armes
Aussi vrai qu' j'arrête pas
D'y penser
Si seulement
Je pouvais lui manquer
Est ce qu'il va me faire un signe
Manquer d'amour
N'est ce pas un crime
J'ai qu'une prière à lui adresser
Si seulement
Je pouvais lui manquer
Je vous dirais simplement
Qu'à part ça
Tout va bien
A part d'un père
Je ne manque de rien
Je vis dans un autre monde
Je m'accroche tous les jours
Je briserai le silence
Qui m'entoure
Aussi vrai que de loin
Je lui parle
J'apprends tout seul
A faire mes armes
Aussi vrai qu' j'arrête pas
D'y penser
Si seulement
Je pouvais lui manquer
Est ce qu'il va me faire un signe
Manquer d'amour
N'est ce pas un crime
J'ai qu'une prière à lui adresser
Si seulement
Je pouvais lui manquer.
Here are some sentences of the song in english : i let you have a look
it would just have simply to call me
That he calls me
Where from comes my life
Certainly not from the sky
Tell him my childhood
His absence Every day
How to break the silence
Which surrounds him
However really by far I speak to him
I learn alone how to make my weapons
so really as I stop not thinking of it If only I could miss him
is he going to make me a sign
Miss love is it no crime
I have that a prayer to sent to him
If only I could miss him
my deb this song is for you !
i send you billions kisses
bye bye bye
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