Between Homes (BH) was created to provide a place to stay for homeless avatars. The idea of a “homeless” SL avatar may strike some as a tad odd; after all how can a virtual person be truly homeless in a virtual world. SecondLife mimics the real world in many significant ways. As in RL, homeless SL avatars are left to wander around the virtual world, with no place to change clothes, rezz their personal belongings or just hang around for a few quiet moments. Of course, in SL we always have the option of login out and returning to our real lives. The homeless in RL have no such option—they simply can’t log out of their current situation.
Even though BH was created to provide a place for homeless avatars, there is a lot more to BH’s mission than simply providing a place for pixels without a home. At BH we are committed to spreading information about the plight of the homeless and to advocate on behalf of those who have no advocates: the countless men, women and children who do not have a permanent place to call home.
Homelessness is (and will remain for the near future) the Number One human rights issue facing our society. No other issue is as important or as far-reaching as the problem of homelessness. Global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer do not matter a damn to a child living out on the streets, with no roof over his head, no pillow under is head and no food in his belly. In the United States, the richest and most powerful country in the world, in any given year as many as 3.5 million people experience homelessness (that is 1% of the entire U.S. population or 10% of its poor).
Worldwide: North – South from Canada to Argentina and East – West from Australia to Russia millions of people, including women, the elderly and children do not have a place to call home, have no shelter from the cold and rain, and have no food to eat. It is the single, biggest shame of our era that at a time when we can communicate at the speed of light thanks to the miracle of our Internet-wired world we still have not figured out a way to shelter and feed all of our brothers and sisters.
We are in the midst of the holiday season. The sight of brightly decorated streets and the smells of delicious holiday treats permeate our senses. It is typical during this time of the year to be especially warmhearted toward those who less fortunate than we are are. Once the holidays are over and the goodwill has run out, however, we go back to looking the other way while ignoring the plight of the homeless.
I encourage each one of you not to let the good cheer and spirit of the holidays expire on New Year’s Day. Instead, let’s us all work towards making 2011 the year when we finally begin to take real steps to solve the problem of the homeless population. We may not be able to eradicate homelessness. We cannot, however, allow the magnitude of the problem distract us from our mission.
In the meantime, please remember that the homeless are not very different from us. Even a small act of kindness--a warm smile or a few words of encouragement—can go a long way towards making a homeless person’s day a bit more bearable. Remember that often times it is the little things that matter the most.
To read more about the lives of three homeless persons in Ventura County, my home “town,” please click the link below.
The Face of Homelessness-Ventura County’s Forgotten Share Their Stories
Happy and Blessed Holidays to you all from the staff at Between Homes!
PHIL COLLINS – Another Day in Paradise (video)
PHIL COLLINS – Another Day in Paradise (lyrics)
She calls out to the man on the street
"Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep,
Is there somewhere you can tell me?"
He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh think twice, it's another day for
You and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise
She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been crying
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
Can't walk but she's trying
Oh think twice...
Oh lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh lord, there must be something you can say
You can tell from the lines on her face
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every place
'Cos she didn't fit in there
Oh think twice, it's another day for
You and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise
Oh think twice….
Debbie, your article is a great reminder about the pligh tof the homeless. You are right, it is an absolute shame that our country cannot (or will not) do more for its least fortunate citizens. Good job advocating on behalf of the homeless, you should become a lawyer. Take it from one who knows, you would make a great lawyer.
I agree with the comment above. We need constant reminders about the homeless, it is too easy to look the other way and simply forget about them. Thank you for keeping a light shining on this problem. Your writing is very inspirational. Well done.
Hi debbie
thank you for your article !
you are right ! lights are shining in nthe streets in our countries our towns during december during christmas whereas our brothers and sisters are in the streets , loosing their dignity loosing their humanity and it is very hard to accept it ! i am so upset when i see people in the streets sleeping on the ground and sometimes drinking to forget the reality !
and they are living just close to us they are our brothers and sisters and we don't have to forget it and don't forget either that tomorrow maybe that can happen to us ! so that is important to see them to smile to them to offer them at first a smile tell them "hello, bonjour, guten tag, buenas dias ... tell them hello smile to them and if you can help them show them that they are like us that they are men and women like us and if possible help them as you can !
my friends don't forget it don't forget them and act simply and act as much as you can and continue to come in BH this is a nice place which allows people to meet, talk and find a warm place !
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