Hello my Friends ,
How are you ? I do hope very fine !
I do sincerely hope that everything is ok for you and your family !
This day as Deb said is a very special day for everyone of us all over the world and wherever we are ! And I choose that day to come back and write an article about Father's day.
My friends I will write again and do my best to share again with you articles, subjects as Deb does everyday ! Thank so so much Deb because I do know that it takes a lot of time. So Deb you can consider that you have now a second writer because there is too Sanpaul !
How are you ? I do hope very fine !
I do sincerely hope that everything is ok for you and your family !
This day as Deb said is a very special day for everyone of us all over the world and wherever we are ! And I choose that day to come back and write an article about Father's day.
My friends I will write again and do my best to share again with you articles, subjects as Deb does everyday ! Thank so so much Deb because I do know that it takes a lot of time. So Deb you can consider that you have now a second writer because there is too Sanpaul !

So i wish today a happy Father's day to everyone who is a daddy ! thank you to each dad to be here for your childrens whetever the age. Your children could be a baby, a child, a teenager or an adulter or a father or a mother too ! Thank you to be here at every moment of ouur life because we need you and even if you are gone , gone for a reason , whatever the reason, evn if you are in the paradise or in the sky, you are here in our heart all the time. As debbie said, you are here and we can fell you your presence.

So please to you, please as deb told us, please go to your father or if you can't call him please and tell you how much he is important how much you love hm ! Please hug him and kiss him ! Tell him how much he is important for you !
Debbie , I wish a very happy father's day to your daddy. I think of him very much and he is with you and he will be here for this special with you and amy ! >But he told me that he is with you every day he is looking at you ! you are right deb he is here.

I will write few sentences in French. This poem is for you
Pour toi Papa,
Tu m'as donné la vie
Tu m'as permis de devenir qui je suis aujourd'hui
Et de me livrer l'esprit dont je jouis
Papa je te remercie pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté
Je te remercie parce que tu m'as porté
tel un voilier naviguant dans l'immensité
tu m'as bercé et accompagné au gré des années
tel un berger menant son troupeau .
Papa tu m'as guidé et montré le chemin
dans les méandres de la vie
même si le chemin était parfois tumultueux,
ton soutien et ta présence me furent d'un grand secours
Papa, je ne sais combien te remercier
pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté
parfois je regrette de ne pas être plus près de toi
pour te rendre cet amour que j'ai pour toi
La distance quelle qu'elle soit n'existe pas entre nous
car même si tu es loin de moi papa
tu es toujours avec moi
tu es dans mon coeur et dans mon esprit à chaque instant
Merci mille fois papa
Tu es là pour moi
et sache que je serai toujours là pour toi
Papa Je t'aime

My friends please show your daddy that he is important for you ! we have one daddy and whatever happens he is our father.
See you soon

Arc, thank you so much for the article and especially thank you for the photographs. all those photos are lovely. The last photograph, of the barefooted girl sitting by the curb was especially haunting. You're right, writing the blog takes a lot of time but I enjoy doing it - it is a labor of love (I love to write and I love to share my words and my phtographs). Thank you and SanPaul for your contributions. Merci and Gracias. PS: I will try to translate the poem into English. What I could read in French was very beautiful.
Very nice Arc. Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing.
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