Tomorrow is Father’s Day (in the USA anyway). Unlike Mother’s Day, which is widely celebrated (in the US that is the single, busiest day for flower shops and telephone companies) Father’s Day either receives a token mention, or it is altogether ignored.
If you are fortunate enough to have your father around, please go visit him (or call him if he is far away) and let him know how much he means to you. Tell him that you know (and appreciate) how much he gave up for you; tell him that, for better or worse, he helped shape you into the person that you are today.
If your dad is not longer among the living take a few minutes and “talk” to him. Tell him that although he is not around, you can still feel his presence in everything that you do and that you are a reflection of the person he was when he was among the living.
My own father is no longer with us; but everywhere I go I know that he walks right besides me. When times have been hard, I have counted on his “presence” to lift me up; when times are good I can feel him rejoicing with me.
For a writer and a poet, I have never been able to write a poem about my Dad – I want to make it so “perfect” that the words just get all jumbled up and never come out right. So, I am going to “borrow” this poem that I found in the Internet. It says all the things that I have such a hard time putting on paper.
A Little Girl Needs Daddy (Big Girls Too)
A little girl needs Daddy
For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!
Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.
Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.
Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She'll always find him there.
I plan to take tomorrow (Sunday) off. SanPaul will take care of the Sunday Comics.
Catch you all on the flip side!
Those who know, I work with new fathers, and today was special for the newest fathers. It is a joy to see fathers so involved with their child. It is so beautiful to see a big man hold his little baby, as they look at each other. The baby so little and the father so big. YOu can see the committment to protect the new baby, as the father looks with joy and love at thier new child.
Fathers sometimes get lost in the baby thing, but they have just seen the biggest miricle in life, the birth of a child....it cannot get any better. When I acknowledge this to them, they get the biggest grin every seen.
To fathers everywhere, or those who fill the shoes of a father. Happy Father's Day.
hi hi deb and TT and all my friends
Thank you so much my deb for your article ! it is so nice !
Thank you my TT for your comment !
Being a daddy is very nice and it is so cute to see our childrens growing even if times goes too quickly ! hehehehe
Enjoy your childrens and hug them very tightly , kiss them every day and tell how much you love them !
And please don't do like me, please spend time with your childrens ! It is so important for them and it is the way for them to get an adult and to build themselves
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