hello my friends
In 3 weeks, it will be a very special day for me !
Indeed, i will ride for the third year the stage of "Le tour de France"
This year will be particularly difficult very difficult with a lot of up and down and a lot of climbs and mountains !

The end will be very hard because we will climb Le Géant de Provence which is the most difficult climb of the stage : 22 kilometers with an average of 7,6%
There will be about 9500 riders from maybe more than 50 countries ! it is completely crazy but so nice and funny !

The problem is that this year I don't have so much training ! Maybe debbie you could do it i could let you do it ! I think you have more training than me ! Think so (hehehehe)

I will do my best to reach the arrival and even if i will suffer, i will fight to reach the arrival ! When you ride you need energy and legs vut the mental is also very important !!

So my friends, please have a look to the video herewith which shows the stage of the tour de FRance ! please have a look to this incredible stage !
Look at this other video where you can discover stages of the different " Tour de France" : you can discover the stage of this year and also the last two years that i did ! hehehe very nice !

And my friends, what I also have to tell you is that le Tour de France will begin on next saturday ! it is very nice ! hope you will like and will appreciate it.

I have to write an article about it and the favorites : Lance Arrmstrong, Contador, Leipheimer, Andy Schleck, Cadel Evans..... who will win ??? hahahaha I let you imagine !

so please appreciate that !

see you soon

EDITOR'S NOTE: ARC is being overly modest regarding his cycling achievements; ARC is really a very good rider. Riding mountain passes, like ARC does, requires a great deal of personal energy, hard training and the right mental attitude. In a few weeks ARC will face a very tough ride. He has been ill in RL (he is French and they eat those "gross" snails or escargots and I think that is what is making him ill) so he has not been able to train as hard as he wants/needs to.
Here is a simple "calories" chart showing how many calories bike riders normally spend during a ride. I am also posting a "grade" chart showing how elevation (climbing) can affect a rider's efforts.
Bicycling - 30 minute duration Calories Burned - 150 lbs. person /250 lbs. person
Light effort (10 to 11.9 mph) 200 340
Moderate effort (12 to 13.9 mph) 270 450
Vigorous effort (14 to 15.9 mph) 340 570
Hill climbing, how to figure grade, steepness, slope, etc…
All factors being equal, a flat bike route takes less effort than a hilly or mountainous route. For reference purposes I will use the word “grade” to mean the “steepness” of a hill.
Grade is measured as follows:
Grade = vertical climb / horizontal distance
Where both “vertical climb” and “horizontal distance” are both converted to the same measurement units.
So if a hill goes up 264 feet in 2 miles, then we can first convert 2 miles to 10560 feet -- so the grade is then 0.025 = 264 feet / 10560 feet, which is 2.5%.
What does the "grade" number mean in terms of the effort spent by the rider?
• 0% grade is exactly flat (and a negative grade, less then zero, is downhill).
• 2% grade does not seem very steep, but it's enough to substantially reduce forward speed, and for most riders it will absorb more than half their power output.
• 6% grade is enough to cut speed to well under half, and absorb more than 80% of a rider's power output (leaving less than 20% to fight air resistance and rolling friction).
• 10% grade, and anyone who is not a fit and frequent rider is off their bike walking -- and anyone who is not a racer is reaching for all the extra power they've got.
We cannot help ARC with the physical part of his ride, that is up to him. But we can certainly help with the mental part of the ride. So I ask all of you to please send him your best wishes and encourage him to do his very best on his upcoming ride.
If not, maybe ARC can then use this bike!

Thank you so much for your help ! that is nice ! I will need more than energy , a very good and strong mental to reach the arrival ! because as you said i don't have so many miles this year ! and indeed i ate some frogs but don't understand only a dozen ! i often do that but it is the first time it is so hard (lol).
So you are right, i will take this very competitive bike with the motor ! it is a nice one for an old lady like me ! old grandfather or grandmother as you told me ! so I will need a bike like this one ! climbing is very hard but also so nice ! you know that's what i prefer ! when i am on my bike and climbing it is very very hard but so nice ! you have to be strong and to find some energy you didn't have before to get always above your limits ! that's what is nice ! to find more ressources to find the mental ! but you also need to manage your effort, always keep some ressources, don't give too much and drink a lot and eat regularly and also make some etirements ! that are the keys to manage it well !
and you must eat some pasta before the ride every day during a week some pasta and try to sleep well ! if you have that, it is already a good help !
so deb and you my friends, thank you for the support and for all !
Ohh Arc, I am so proud of you! To want to accomplish such a ride!. You and Deb are so good! I cannot even imagine what you two do when you ride so long. It is a honor to have you two as friends.
I will pray for you that day Arc.
Oh when is that day? hehe
One bike horn blast to you!
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