Hi my friends
Today is a special day ! we are on saturday in france and saturday means the week end ! the week end is the way for me to spend more time with my childrens ! you would say : but you have also the week and it is important to be with your childrens all the time !
yes you are right and as a friend told me , it is important to be with them and show the m the way in order to allow them to build themselves.
So i want to tell you that childrens are very nice and we have to be here for them all the time !
it is essential and they need that not only when they are babies but also when they grow and even after when they are adults ! So as we are parents, we do have to show them the way and to build good foundations strong foundations (like for a building) or strong racines (like for a tree)
Look at a tree, when it has good racines and when you give him water and light, the tree or the flower gorws and gorws and this tree or this flower is very nice ! it is the same with childrens !
I want to tell you that we have to love them very very very much and be here for them ! Sometimes we can't because we work too much (that is my case) so we have to find moments regularly to be with them ! you know i love my childrens more than everything else i think ! it is a strange feeling to feel that ! they are so nice and so mischevious sometimes.
So i stop talking because i could do that during hours ! and you will say ! ouf ! he is boring
Now i want childrens to talk, to show you what they are able to do and what messages they are able to deliver ! I do precise that these drawings are from childrens from everywhere around the world (all rights reserved) !
Please appreciate them ! it is a great selection !

just appreciate that and see how childrens can be very nice artists ! heheheh
Look for a mom ! each mom had these type of drawings (remember)

Look I think he or she is the son of picasso ! hehehe

He he some humour ! i do think it is a french boy or girl ! hehee

hey look a party ! like in sl : they seem to be very happy

Oh look ! how it is colored ! very nice

Jules verne and the flying bike and flying tractor : le tour du monde en vélo volant !

Hey look an animal! i don't know if it humour ! hehehe ! very nice

Emma your house is very nice ! I like it very much

This last one is little (hehehe) but very nice ! i really like it ! don't what it represents ! i think a tree for christmas ! hehhe

So my friends you can see that our childrens are genius and can also deliver some very deep messages .
So my friends have a nice day and enjoy your childrens ! hold them very tightly and tell them everyday how much you love them and how much they are important to you !
I will do that immediately !
See you soon my friends
So my friends have a nice day and enjoy your childrens ! hold them very tightly and tell them everyday how much you love them and how much they are important to you !
I will do that immediately !
See you soon my friends
ARC: This is a really nice article. I love to see children's drawings; they are so pure, so innocent and they can tell us so much about the child who made it. I liked them all, but I especially liked the one of the frog catching the fly and the one of the dog going poop. All the drawings are just precious. Merci!
Thanks Arc,
The drawings are great! Children...oh no do not get me started. I like the first two. The are not inhibited and draw what they feel, like and cherish!
As adults, we need to help children mold into good humans. They watch us (we think that we only watch them). We are living models for them to emulate as they grow.
And time we spend with them. it is the special sparkle we give to that time that is what makes it. Remember to have adventures with them. they will remember.
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